Biodegradable gift cards coming soon?

I came across this press release for a new biodegradable plastic product suitable for, among other things, gift cards.

Given how many gift cards are sold each year (billions), it is probably a good idea if they were all compostable.  Hey, how about credit cards too?

For me personally, biodegradable gift card would still make a mostly thoughtless gift in most cases.


One response to “Biodegradable gift cards coming soon?”

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  1. PM says:

    I agree with the biodegradable gift card. There are so many that just get thrown away after just one use. It would be great if when the person uses the card up, just leaves it with the clerk at the store and it be put in a recepticle set aside to be sent for recycling too. Maybe this would be a great experience for kids looking for an environmental school project which could lead to a marketing plan.